Akshaya Tritiya 2024

 Akshaya Tritiya 2024 falls on May 10th this year, according to the Panchang. On this auspicious day, special prayers are offered to Goddess Lakshmi to invoke her blessings upon the devotees. It is advised to refrain from purchasing certain metals on this day, as it may potentially lead to a decrease in luck.

According to the Vedic Panchang, Akshaya Tritiya falls on the third day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakh. It’s a day of auspicious muhurat, perfect for initiating any favorable endeavors. Purchasing gold on this occasion is highly regarded. The term “Akshaya” signifies eternal or imperishable, suggesting that actions performed on this day may yield everlasting results. Moreover, Akshaya Tritiya commemorates the birth anniversary of Lord Parashurama, adding significance to the day for commencing propitious activities. However, if considering buying metal items on this day, exercising caution is advised. Let’s explore insights from astrologer K.M. Sinha to understand which metals to skip buying on this occasion in detail.

Avoid purchasing iron items on this day

According to Jyotish Shastra, iron is linked with the planet Rahu, and on Akshaya Tritiya, Rahu’s influence is considered more potent. Hence, it’s recommended to refrain from buying iron items on this day. Purchasing such items is believed to potentially bring unfavorable consequences, subjecting individuals to the effects of planetary doshas.

Avoid purchasing aluminium items on this day

It’s recommended to refrain from buying aluminum-related items on Akshaya Tritiya, as doing so might result in unfavorable outcomes. Aluminum is regarded as impure; hence it’s advisable to opt for purchasing pure metals instead.

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