Bad Conditions in Kundali Matching in Vedic Astrology, A Detailed Examination


In Vedic astrology, kundali matching, or horoscope matching, is a crucial practice for evaluating the compatibility of prospective marriage partners. This ancient tradition aims to ensure harmony, prosperity, and mutual understanding in married life by comparing the natal charts (kundalis) of the bride and groom. While good matches promise a happy union, bad conditions in kundali matching can indicate potential challenges and conflicts. Understanding these adverse conditions is vital for making informed decisions about marriage.

Let us know about Astrologer K.M. Main factors of horoscope matching by Sinha

Before delving into the bad conditions, it is essential to understand the primary factors considered in kundali matching:

Ashtakoota Milan: This system evaluates eight specific aspects (kootas) of the couple’s charts, assigning points to each to gauge overall compatibility. The maximum score is 36, with a score above 18 considered acceptable.

Manglik Dosha: This occurs when Mars is placed in certain houses of the natal chart, potentially causing marital discord.

Nadi Dosha: One of the eight kootas, Nadi represents genetic compatibility and health issues.

Bhakoot Dosha: This koota represents emotional compatibility and the potential for harmony in marriage.

Gana Dosha: This evaluates temperament compatibility, which is crucial for a peaceful married life.

Adverse Conditions in Kundali Matching

Low Ashtakoota Score: A score below 18 out of 36 in Ashtakoota Milan suggests poor compatibility. Specific kootas within the system that cause concern include:

Nadi Dosha: The most severe among all doshas. Nadi represents genetic lineage and health. If both partners have the same Nadi, it can lead to health issues for the couple and their progeny.

Bhakoot Dosha: This dosha indicates challenges related to emotional bonding and marital harmony. For example, if the Moon signs of the partners are incompatible according to Bhakoot, it can lead to severe discord and misunderstandings.

Gana Dosha: This dosha involves the compatibility of temperaments. The three ganas are Deva (divine), Manushya (human), and Rakshasa (demonic). Significant mismatches, especially between Rakshasa and Deva ganas, can lead to frequent conflicts and a lack of understanding.

Manglik Dosha (Kuja Dosha): When Mars is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house in either partner’s chart, it is termed Manglik Dosha. This can lead to aggressive behavior, conflicts, and even physical harm between partners. If both partners are Manglik, the dosha can be neutralized to some extent, but if only one is Manglik, the effects can be severe.

Dasha Sandhi: This occurs when the Mahadasha (major period) of one partner transitions to a different Mahadasha around the time of marriage. If the new Mahadasha of one partner is highly inauspicious, it can negatively impact the marriage.

Papasamyam: This factor measures the balance of malefic influences (from planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu) in both charts. An imbalance, where one chart has significantly more malefic influence than the other, can lead to various troubles, including health issues, financial problems, and emotional instability.

Mismatched Lagna (Ascendant): The compatibility of the Ascendants of the couple is crucial. Incompatible Ascendants can lead to differences in fundamental outlooks on life, causing friction and misunderstanding.

Afflicted 7th House: The 7th house in the natal chart represents marriage and partnership. Malefic planets placed in or aspecting the 7th house, or its lord, can indicate problems in married life. This could manifest as lack of harmony, infidelity, or separation.

Afflicted Venus and Jupiter: Venus is the significator of love and marital harmony, while Jupiter represents wisdom and growth. If these planets are afflicted by malefic aspects or conjunctions, it can adversely affect the marriage. Venus afflicted by Saturn or Mars can indicate a lack of affection or sexual problems, while Jupiter afflicted can lead to issues in mutual respect and growth.

Mitigating Adverse Conditions

Despite the presence of these bad conditions, Vedic astrology offers various remedies to mitigate their effects and promote harmony:

Performing Pujas and Yagnas: Specific rituals and prayers can appease the malefic planets and reduce their adverse effects.

Wearing Gemstones: Gemstones corresponding to benefic planets in the individual’s chart can strengthen positive influences and counteract negative ones.

Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras dedicated to specific planets can help in alleviating their malefic effects.

Following Vedic Rituals: Practices like fasting on certain days, performing charitable acts, and adhering to specific dietary guidelines can help in balancing planetary influences.

Consulting a Vedic Astrologer: Seeking advice from a knowledgeable astrologer can provide personalized remedies and guidance.


Kundali matching is a comprehensive practice that evaluates numerous factors to ensure a harmonious and prosperous married life. Recognizing and addressing bad conditions in kundali matching is crucial for mitigating potential challenges and fostering a successful marriage. By understanding the adverse conditions and employing appropriate remedies, couples can enhance their compatibility and navigate the complexities of marital life with greater confidence and harmony.