Gemstones recommended by experts to relieve you from distress

It in said in hindu astrology that gemstones has command over spiritual power and can help you escape all kinds of problems in you life. This article is all about gemstone that can help keeping our mind calm.

Gemstones are naturally occurring and minerals that on king polished and cut to fancy shapes and sizes, transform to ornament Jwellery piece of decoration and worship.

Lets have a look at the usefulness of gemstones by our expert Astrologer Mr. K.M. Sinha

The moon is in the charge of our sentiments and love that we give and science. The movement of water on our planet is controlled by moon the only natural satellite to our earth. The twinkiling stars and the waxine and warms moon is loved by people. Watching and the Shining stars with dark background of make is experience rest respite and romance.

In hindu astrology moon symbiosis mothers love and security. Here calmness and peacefulness surrounds us when we wear peals and moonstone as necklaces, ring, Macelite and tiaras.

Gemstone such as Black onyx, Agate anatase, Augita, Basalt, kynite and smoky Quartz converter into nothingness our negative thought and emotions og uses, anxiety dis turbance and guilt Holding them during meditation or weaving them on necks, wrist and ankles while bathing or taking shower will help you fight metal distress and physical problems. On wearing black diamonds and pearls on formal occasion your self estern and confidence will be uplifted.

Blue and green turquoise are associated with planets like mercury (Budh) and Saturn (Shani) and psoad peacock.

Above kinds with natural shades of earthy browns are the elements of nature.

Our intellect focus mathematical, analytical and business skills are said to be enhanced by jade and emerald, increasing the power of mercury. Knowledge help us escape unnecessary anxieties and fear Green the colour of the heart energy centre or the anahat chakra governs the hearts that is associated to love fear and hate. Hence semi pernicious stones of green colour helps in bringing positive energy of peace, love, joy and tranquility to our house in super natural way.




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