Know the happiness of marriage from the birth chart BY KM SINHA

If we talk about marriage among the sixteen rituals performed in Hinduism, then it is a very important ritual which is the basis of a happy and loving married life of the person, but sometimes according to karma, some such planetary positions are created in the birth chart of the person, as a result of which the person is deprived of the happiness of married life. A quarrelsome situation in married life is very painful for the married life, so there is a period of quarrel and problems in relationships. In such a situation, according to astrology, by looking at the birth chart of the person, it can be estimated that when a situation of conflict is going to arise in your married life, so let us know in detail about the happiness of married life from the birth chart.

Know the knowledge of four purusharthas from the houses located in the birth chart:-

The scholars of ancient times have divided the birth chart into four triangles and linked them to four purusharthas. Out of which Dharma triangle, Arth triangle, Kaam triangle and Moksha triangle are there.

  1. Dharmatrikona Bhaav: It is the ascendant, fifth and ninth house of the horoscope.
  2. Meaning Triangle Bhaav: The second, sixth and tenth house of the horoscope.
  3. Kaam Triangle Bhaav: The third, seventh and eleventh house of the horoscope.
  4. Moksha Triangle Bhaav: The fourth, eighth and twelfth house of the horoscope.

The lords of these houses, the planets situated in these houses and the planets having any kind of relation with these houses or Bhavesh, definitely influence the related efforts very much in their dasha-antardasha or transit. If the Dharma triangle of a native’s horoscope, i.e. Lagna, Pancham and Ninth Bhaav, is associated with or aspected by any auspicious planets, then in such a situation the native will be of religious nature. Similarly, if the Arth, Kama and Moksha triangle of the horoscope is associated with or aspected by any auspicious planets, then in such a situation the native is rich, happy and desires Moksha.

According to some other capable astrologers and scholars, the four purusharthas of a native are related to four elements, four Varnas and Rashi Varna, which is explained in detail here.

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Know the happiness of marriage from the birth chart BY KM SINHA 1

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Purushaarth Element Varna Rashis

Dharma Agni Kshatriya 1,5,9 i.e. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Arth Bhumi Vaishya 2,6,10 i.e. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Kam Vayu Shudra 3,7,11 i.e. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Moksha Jal Brahmin 4,8,12 i.e. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

According to this given table, one thing is clear that the Trikon Bhaav of the horoscope shows being associated with religion. Information about a good friend, intelligence and children is known from the fifth house. Information about a loving and prosperous father and good fortune is known from the ninth house of the horoscope, apart from this, the person gets information about beauty and physical pleasure from the ascendant house of the horoscope. Let us tell you that the virtue earned by following the religion becomes the giver of pleasures of the triangle house in the course of time. To follow the religion, a person needs courage, valor and hard work.

Kama triangle and seventh house of the birth horoscope:-

If we talk about the Kama triangle in the horoscope, then it includes the third, seventh and eleventh houses of the horoscope.

Third House:- The third house of some native’s horoscope is the house of enthusiasm in addition to the native’s strength, valor, courage, bravery and enthusiasm. The third house of the horoscope also shows the relationship with younger siblings and neighbors. This house is also related to the native’s short journey, expression of feelings, means of transportation, communication system and knowledge. The third house of the horoscope being in the fifth house from profit shows the contribution of friends in the path of the native’s progress and development, apart from this, being in the seventh house from the ninth, it becomes a complementary house of the native’s fortune or religion.

Seventh House- The seventh house of the native’s horoscope is the house of marital happiness, semen, masculinity, beloved, wife and in-laws. Only a very capable and learned astrologer also gets knowledge about the body structure, complexion and behavior of the wife from the planet located in the seventh house. The seventh house of the horoscope being fourth from fourth increases the mental peace and happiness of the native. Apart from this, the seventh house being the profit house in the horoscope and the ninth house from the eleventh house, fully shows the increase in the fortune of the native and the contribution of the wife in getting profit.

Eleventh house – The eleventh house of the horoscope of the native is the symbol of the native’s sexual satisfaction-dissatisfaction, profit, progress or value increase house, daughter-in-law or son-in-law. Other scholars have considered this house as the factor of elder brother-sister. The eleventh house of the horoscope being eighth from fourth destroys the profit house, mother, mind or family happiness. Many times the natives have to stay away from the family members to take their business forward. The fifth house of the horoscope from the seventh is the friend house. For the native to get great progress in his life, it is very important to have the friendly cooperation of the wife or husband and to always support each other.

Special things related to happiness of married life:-

If we see, happiness of married life is related to 3rd, 7th and 11th house of the horoscope. Houses 3 and 11 of Trishadya are related to Kaam Trikon of the horoscope, while 2nd and 7th house are marak houses of the horoscope. As if this situation is indicating towards the nature that if complete alertness and caution is not taken in married life, then the results of the marital happiness and lust of the native will be completely harmful.

Marital happiness of the native is linked to air element, flight of imagination and Shudra’s poor standard of living. Here, the quality of Shudra is related to religion, service and humility. There is complete lack of pride and ego in Shudra. He is the embodiment of humility and modesty, he considers it his good fortune to do all kinds of small and big service. He considers service as his happiness. To make a sick married life healthy, it is very important for the person to have humility, modesty and the tendency to provide happiness through service. Small things are very important in the marital happiness of the person. To maintain marital happiness in your life, speaking sweet words, feeling of intimacy and gifts add a lot of sweetness to the married life.