Lolite Gemstone


Iolite popularly known as Neeli or Kakaneeli in Hindi language. Lolite is of violet-blue coloured stone. It’s a semi-precious gemstone which is extracted from the Cordierite mineral family. It’s unique gemstone and the only one who exhibits unique visual property called a pleochroism. Therefore, it also an astrological substitute for Blue Sapphire which is called Neelam in the layman language. Individual who wants to seek achieve professional success, financial stability and mental strength are highly recommended to wear Lolite. In the Vedas, Iolite means Shani Priya or Neeli stone. Hence, Lolite is associated with the planet Saturn. Most of the Astrologers advice to wear this gemstone to those who wants acquire strengthen. If the individual is facing problems due the planet Saturn in their horoscope and one should consider this gemstone. It highly beneficial for people undergoing the tiring phase of ‘Shani-Saadsaati’.  The Lolite gemstone offers its wearer a plenty of benefits.

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