Rajju Matching and it’s Aspects

“Rajju matching” is a component of traditional Hindu astrology that focuses on compatibility between couples based on the alignment of certain stars and constellations. In Vedic astrology, Rajju refers to the physical and mental compatibility between partners, often analyzed during the process of matching horoscopes for marriage. This practice is believed to ensure a harmonious and prosperous relationship. However, it’s important to note that the efficacy and relevance of such astrological practices vary widely depending on individual beliefs and cultural backgrounds.

The 27 Nakshatras or celestial constellations, in Vedic astrology are divided into 5 groups, each associated with a specific segment of the human body

Padha Rajju: Ashwani, Aslesha, Magha, Jyesta, Moola, Revati.

Kati Rajju: Bharni, Pushyami, Pubba, Anuradha, Poorvashada, Uttrabhadra.

Nabhi: Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttra, Visakha, Uttarashada, Poorvabhadra.

Kanta Rajju: Rohini, Aridra, Hasta, Swati, Sravana, Satabhisha.

Siro Rajju: Dhanista, Chitra, Mrigasira.

What exactly is Rajju Dosha

Simply put, it’s when the Birth Nakshatra, or Jaman Nakshtra, of the prospective couple being matched falls into the same Rajju. Despite differing opinions, Rajju matching is a significant aspect because when properly aligned, it’s believed to bring favorable outcomes.

There are 5 variations of Rajju Porutham

Head Rajju- Brings challenges for the husband.

Neck Rajju- Presents challenges for the wife.

Body Rajju- Associated with issues regarding children.

Lap Rajju- Indicates financial or property-related problems.

Feet Rajju- Suggests potential troubles during travel.

Cancellation of Rajju dosha

Cancellation of Rajju Dosha, or the mitigation of its negative effects, is often sought after in Vedic astrology when matching horoscopes for marriage. There are various remedies or factors that astrologers consider to nullify or minimize the impact of Rajju Dosha:

Nadi Dosha: If the couple has Nadi Dosha (another aspect of horoscope compatibility), it can cancel out Rajju Dosha.

Graha Shanti Puja: Performing specific planetary pacification rituals can alleviate the malefic influence of Rajju Dosha.

Gemstone Remedies: Wearing certain gemstones, as prescribed by an astrologer, can balance the planetary energies and mitigate the effects of Rajju Dosha.

Charity and Donations: Donating to charitable causes or performing acts of service can help counteract negative karmic influences.

Mantra Chanting: Reciting specific mantras associated with planetary deities can help appease malefic influences and bring about positive outcomes.

Astrological Remedies: Astrologers may suggest specific rituals, prayers, or remedies based on the individual birth charts to neutralize Rajju Dosha.

Delaying Marriage: In some cases, postponing the marriage until a more astrologically favorable time may be advised to mitigate the impact of Rajju Dosha.

It’s important to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer for personalized guidance and remedies tailored to individual horoscopes and circumstances.


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