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Some important things related to kitchen according to Vastu

Some important things related to kitchen according to Vastu

Some important things related to kitchen according to Vastu

According to Vastu Shastra, if we talk about the directions of the house, then while constructing the house, it is important to determine the direction of every place. While constructing the house, it is auspicious to construct the house by keeping in mind all the rules and directions of Vastu. Let us tell you that among all the parts of the house, the kitchen and the doors and windows located in it are of the greatest importance. The kitchen located in the house is a place where all the women and housewives spend most of their time. In such a situation, if there is any kind of Vastu defect in the kitchen, then in this situation it has a very bad effect on women as well.

According to Vastu Shastra, if you ignore the Vastu defect in the kitchen, then you can have many problems related to it which you cannot even imagine, apart from this, along with you, your whole family can also be affected by Vastu defect somewhere. In such a situation, it is very important to take special care of the kitchen, so come to the astrologer. According to K M. Sinha ji, let us know in which direction the kitchen should be located in the house.

In which direction of the house should the kitchen be located:

According to qualified astrologers and Vastu Shastra, while constructing a house, it is always considered appropriate to select the direction of the kitchen (Agneya Kon) i.e. South-East direction. According to Vastu, selecting the kitchen in this direction is considered very auspicious. If for some reason the direction of the kitchen is not in the Agneya Kon, then it has an adverse effect on the health of the housewives and all the members living in the house, apart from this there is a great loss of food and money present in the house. If the direction of the kitchen is not in the right place in the house, the person may also suffer from diseases related to digestion. One should avoid constructing the kitchen in the North-East i.e. (Ishaan Kon) direction of the house because it is best to make a place of worship in the North-East direction of the house.

In which direction should you face while cooking food:

If we see, the kitchen in the house is connected with all the members living in the house and Vastu has a special effect on the health of the family members as well as their lives. In such a situation, you should take special care whether we are standing in the right direction while cooking food or not. Let us tell you that while cooking food, your face should always be towards the east direction, apart from this, special care should also be taken that there should not be any kitchen door behind your back while cooking food. By standing in this direction and cooking food, all types of Vastu defects related to the kitchen are removed and there is always peace and happiness in the house.

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संपर्क करें: 9818318303

Where to keep water in the kitchen:

According to Vastu Shastra, the most auspicious place for water in the kitchen of the house is considered to be the north-east direction. Therefore, the underground tank or boring located in the kitchen should be kept in the east, north or north-east direction only. If the water is placed at the right place in the kitchen, the health of all the members of the house is completely favorable and a different kind of happiness and peace remains in the house.

In which direction of the kitchen should the windows not be:

According to Vastu Shastra, while constructing the kitchen, special attention should be paid to the direction of the window and door. Let us tell you that the main window in the kitchen of the house should be in the east direction of the house, this is because the rays of the sun should always enter your kitchen. The rays of the Sun God entering the kitchen is considered an auspicious sign. The rays of the sun awaken special energy and power in you and you are energetic throughout the day, apart from this, if you want to keep another window in the kitchen, then you can keep a small window in the south direction of the kitchen, this will not cause any kind of Vastu Dosh.

Which item should be kept in which direction of the kitchen:

The places of all the items to be kept in the kitchen are explained in detail here. Drinking water kept in the kitchen should be kept in the north-east direction of the house, keeping drinking water in this direction is auspicious.

It is considered appropriate to keep the stove in the kitchen for cooking food in the south-east direction of the house.

The dining table kept inside the kitchen should be in the south-east direction of the kitchen. If you are arranging a dining hall at some other place in the house, then according to Vastu, do it in the west or east direction of the house.

The equipment used in the kitchen like microwave, mixer or any other metal equipment should be kept in the south-east direction of the kitchen, apart from this, the refrigerator in the kitchen can be kept in the north-west direction of the house.

If there are cleaning items in the kitchen like broom, mop or any other cleaning item, then all these can be kept in the south-west direction of the kitchen.

It is considered appropriate to keep the dustbin kept in the kitchen outside the kitchen. Keeping the garbage outside the house removes the negativity coming into the house.

Avoid using broken utensils:

If seen, one should never use broken utensils in the kitchen, rather one should avoid using broken utensils as much as possible. Many times we use broken or cracked utensils till they break completely, but we should not do this at all. Doing this brings negativity in the house, due to which the happiness and peace of the house is completely disturbed.

What type of utensils should be kept in the kitchen:

The utensils to be kept in the kitchen should also be selected according to Vastu. Apart from steel and iron utensils, there should be utensils made of brass, copper, bronze and silver in the kitchen.

Cooking food in iron utensils is considered to be very beneficial for you. By doing this, the amount of nutrients like iron in the food increases a lot.

Eating food in brass utensils and drinking water in copper glasses is very beneficial according to Vastu. A positive and peaceful energy is created in the house due to the effect of brass and copper, but keep one thing in mind that do not eat food in copper utensils at all.

It is appropriate to keep utensils of different metals in the kitchen. Plastic utensils or boxes should not be used at all, otherwise it has an adverse effect on your health and the energy of the kitchen also deteriorates day by day.

Never cook food in German or aluminum utensils in the kitchen. Doing so proves to be very fatal for health. Eating food cooked in these utensils can cause diseases like skin disease and cancer. You can use German utensils only for cooking curd.

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संपर्क करें: 9818318303

It is very important to know some important rules related to kitchen which are as follows:

Put pictures of beautiful flowers and vegetables in the kitchen keeping in view the space. Also put a picture of Annapurna Mata in the kitchen. By doing this, there will always be blessings in the house.

The kitchen of the house should be mopped with sea salt once a week except Thursday. By doing this, there remains happiness and peace in the house. Apart from this, all the negative energy of the house ends, all the disputes of the house also go away and Goddess Lakshmi always resides in the house.

If ants, cockroaches, rats or any other type of insects are roaming in the kitchen of the house, then such a situation is not auspicious for you at all. By doing this, your health deteriorates and blessings also go away from the kitchen, so try to keep your kitchen as clean and beautiful as possible.

If water is dripping from the tap in your kitchen without any reason, then such a situation indicates financial loss for the person, apart from this, if water is leaking from any utensil in your kitchen, then this situation is not giving auspicious signs for you, do not ignore it, pay special attention to it.

Whenever you eat, definitely offer a piece of food to Agnidev, this is because Agni Dev has the first right on the food cooked by him.

While eating, you should always keep your face in the east or north direction and if possible, you should eat while sitting in the kitchen. By doing this, Rahu in your Kundali gets completely pacified from its ill effects, apart from this, you should never eat while wearing shoes.

After or before eating, always keep the food plate on a mat, carpet, stool or table with full respect. Also, never hold the food plate with one hand. By doing so, the food goes to the ghost world.

A person who wants to attain happiness and prosperity and stay away from financial problems should avoid eating rice, curd and sattu at night. Doing so disrespects Goddess Lakshmi.

Never wash your hands in the plate after eating and never leave leftover food in the plate. Also, never keep the plate under or on the kitchen slab, bed or table after eating. Do not keep the used utensils at night after eating, otherwise negativity can enter the house.

Before eating, meditate on all the gods once. Also, do not have any kind of conversation or anger while eating. Rather, sit and eat with all the members of your family. Also, avoid making strange noises while eating.

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