Aries 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today will be special for you, especially in the areas of career and job, where you may see better results. There might be some tension in marital life, so maintain patience in conversations with your spouse. Midday brings an opportunity to resolve a family matter, which will bring peace and harmony at home. Financially, the situation will remain stable, but be cautious while planning any big investment. Taking care of your health is essential, particularly avoiding mental stress. Overall, the day will be 79% good.
Lucky Color: Light Green, Lucky Number: 1
Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman.
Taurus 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, you may need to take some important decisions today. Workload at the office may increase, but your hard work will bring success. There may be a minor argument in marital life, but it should be resolved with love and understanding. Financially, the situation will be normal but avoid unexpected expenses. A happy atmosphere will prevail in the family. Health issues, such as an old pain, may worsen, so try to rest. Overall, the day will be 81% good.
Lucky Color: Orange, Lucky Number: 9
Remedy: Donate boondi laddoos at a temple.
Gemini 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today could be a day of progress at work. Your efforts will be recognized, and you may receive new responsibilities in your job. Harmony will prevail in marital life, with increased love and understanding between you and your spouse. Financially, the day will be normal, but you might consider adjusting your budget. There will be no major health issues, though minor physical discomforts might occur. You may hear some good news regarding a child or younger family member. Overall, the day will be 85% good.
Lucky Color: White, Lucky Number: 4
Remedy: Donate jaggery and gram at a temple.
Cancer 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, success is likely in your endeavors today, and there are signs of growth in your business. Maintain communication in your marital life; it’s essential to exchange thoughts and emotions with your spouse. Financially, there may be ups and downs, but careful planning can improve the situation. Minor headaches or fatigue may bother you, so rest is advised. You will have time to complete small household tasks, maintaining a peaceful atmosphere at home. Overall, the day will be 78% good.
Lucky Color: Yellow, Lucky Number: 7
Remedy: Perform abhishek of Lord Shiva with charnamrit.
Leo 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, you might experience some changes at work today, which will ultimately prove beneficial. There may be slight tension in marital life but handle small problems with patience and wisdom. Financially, the situation will improve, though controlling expenses is necessary. There will be no major health concerns. A significant decision may be taken in the family, bringing positivity at home. Overall, the day will be 81% good.
Lucky Color: Cream, Lucky Number: 1
Remedy: Recite the Aditya Hriday Stotra.
Virgo 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, you will feel mentally strong today and achieve success in your tasks. Love and harmony will increase in marital life, and it is essential to respect your spouse’s opinions. Financially, the day is favorable, though unexpected expenses may arise, so focus on saving. No major health issues are indicated, but minor discomforts might occur. A family member’s concern may bother you, but patience is key. Overall, the day will be 76% good.
Lucky Color: Purple, Lucky Number: 3
Remedy: Feed flour to ants.
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Libra 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today will be a mixed day for you. Work pressure may increase at the office, but you will handle it successfully. An opportunity to resolve an old marital dispute will strengthen your relationship. Financially, the day is stable, but controlling expenses is important. Pay attention to health, especially reducing stress. Spend time with family to strengthen relationships and maintain a positive atmosphere. Overall, the day will be 83% good.
Lucky Color: Green, Lucky Number: 5
Remedy: Chant the Shukra Beej Mantra “Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shukraya Namah.”
Scorpio 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, you need to implement your plans carefully today. Some issues might arise in marital life, but these can be resolved with love and understanding. Spending time with your spouse will bring newness to the relationship. Financially, the situation is stable but think carefully before making any big investments. No major health concerns are indicated, but take some time to relax for mental peace. A small family event might be planned, bringing happiness. Overall, the day will be 79% good.
Lucky Color: Red, Lucky Number: 9
Remedy: Light a ghee lamp before Lord Hanuman.
Sagittarius 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today will be a good day, particularly with success in office-related matters. Marital life will be filled with love and understanding, with increased communication strengthening your relationship. Financially, the day will remain stable, but efforts to improve your financial situation are needed. No major health concerns, though minor fatigue may occur. A family member will bring joy and support to you. Overall, the day will be 87% good.
Lucky Color: Grey, Lucky Number: 5
Remedy: Chant Om Bhagvate Vasudevay Namah.”
Capricorn 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, hard work will pay off today, bringing success at work. While focusing on your job, do not neglect household responsibilities. Understanding and coordination in marital life are essential, as you might get the chance to work on an issue with your partner. Financially, improvement is likely, but plan carefully before any major expenditure. Health will improve, though resting is advised to avoid minor issues. A joyous occasion in the family will bring happiness. Overall, the day will be 79% good.
Lucky Color: Golden, Lucky Number: 3
Remedy: Worship Lord Shani and offer black sesame seeds.
Aquarius 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today will be favorable. Your hard work and abilities will gain recognition at work. Minor issues in marital life may arise, but you will resolve them quickly. This is a good opportunity to spend time with your spouse. Financially, the day is favorable, though expenses need attention. Health will be normal, but ensure you take time for mental peace. A small family event may bring happiness. Overall, the day will be 83% good.
Lucky Color: Yellow, Lucky Number: 7
Remedy: Donate mustard oil to the poor.
Pisces 24 December 2024
According to astrologer K.M. Sinha, today will be an excellent day. Your efforts at work will lead to success. Harmony will increase in marital life, and you may enjoy quality time with your spouse. Financially, improvement is expected, though you must control expenses. Health will remain stable, but take time for mental relaxation. Good news in the family will create a positive and happy atmosphere. Overall, the day will be 85% good.
Lucky Color: Maroon, Lucky Number: 2
Remedy: Wear yellow clothes and worship Lord Vishnu.