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Tourmaline Gemstone

Tourmaline Gemstone

Tourmaline Gemstone

Tourmaline perfectly signifies its name which mixed stones. Available in spectrum of colours and mixed colours. If one wants to enhance their jewellery then Tourmaline is the perfect gemstone, with rainbow of colours it simply magnifies even the minute details of any type of jewellery piece. Tourmaline is widely available in cranberry red, hot magenta, pink like bubble-gum, orange, peach, canary yellow, mint grass, forest green, ocean blue, violet, light green and besides these colours it also available in many other colours as well. Even Tourmaline is highly recognized for presenting a plenty of colours in a single gemstone. These gemstones can be formed in tri colour or bi colour in number of combination while these are highly treasured. Thus, Tourmaline gemstone is available in almost every colour one could easily found their favourite colour. One of the multi colour variety of Tourmaline is recognized as Watermelon Tourmaline and has green, pink, and white colour.

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