What is Neech Bhang Rajyoga?

In astrology, there are some exalted and debilitated zodiac signs for each planet but do they really give the negative effects if they are debilitated (Neech) in the natal chart. According to our World -Famous Astrologer KM Sinha, this is half true and half false. He is the Best Astrologer In Mumbai and has been helping many people on daily basis with his astrology knowledge and life experience. Many times, planets do not give the debilitated result. Let us understand in which cases it can give positive results. Neech Bhang Rajyoga means that the debilitated effects of any particular is no longer considerable in the birth chart. There are some rules as to how this yoga can be formed.

RULE NO. 1 โ€“ If the lord of that sign is present in its own sign. For example, the moon debilitates in the Scorpio sign and Mars is the lord of the Scorpio sign so if both are present there then it will form โ€œNeech Bhang Rajyogaโ€.

RULE NO.2 โ€“ If any planet is debilitated and at the same place an exalted planet is sitting there then also it will form โ€œNeech Bhang Rajyogaโ€. For example, Mars is debilitated in the Cancer and Jupiter is also there then Mars will no be considered as debilitated.

RULE NO.3 โ€“ If any planet is debilitated in the Birth chart and exalted in the โ€œNAVMANSHA CHARTโ€ then it will form โ€œNeech Bhang Rajyogaโ€.

RULE NO.4 โ€“ If any planet is debilitated and the lord of that zodiac sign is aspecting it then also it will form โ€œNeech Bhang Rajyogaโ€.




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