Your fondness for junk food might not just be a habit; it could also be a conspiracy of these planets.

UGC has once again advised on nutritious eating, urging universities to ban junk food in their canteens.

The recent advisory from the UGC has sparked discussions once again regarding junk food. However, are you aware that in astrological texts, there are certain planets believed to influence individuals towards unhealthy foods like junk food, even potentially leading to addiction?


According to the ICMR report from 2020-2023, the graph of diseases is rapidly increasing in India. As per the report, every 4th person is either obese or pre-diabetic, which is a concerning trend.


Astrology studies the influence of the nine planets (Navagrahas), each associated with different aspects of life. Astrologer Nikhil Kumar explains that food and drink are associated with our digestive system. In astrology, the stomach is connected to the planet Jupiter (Guru).

Science also advocates the consumption of healthy food. Alongside this, maintaining cleanliness is also crucial for staying healthy.


According to astrology, individuals whose Jupiter (Guru) planet is well-positioned in their Kundli (natal chart) tend to be food enthusiasts. In modern times, they are often referred to as “foodies.”


Food comes in many types, each associated with different kinds of dishes. For instance, the Sun (Surya) is associated with butter, cream, dry fruits, oil, and sugar.


The planet Jupiter (Brihaspati) is associated with sweet things. People with a strong Jupiter in their chart tend to enjoy sweets. On the other hand, the Moon (Chandra) and Mars (Mangal) are associated with well-cooked meals.

In restaurants, the preparation of food is indeed associated with these two planets. Individuals whose Kundli (natal chart) shows a favorable position of Mars (Mangal) and Moon (Chandra) often become skilled chefs, cooks, restaurant owners, or have connections to the food industry.


Additionally, when malefic planets Rahu-Ketu cast their influence, it can significantly amplify negative effects.


Now, talking about the planets that attract a person towards junk food, according to astrologer Ruchi Sharma, Jupiter (Brihaspati) tends to make individuals fond of good food. Such people are always on the lookout for great flavors.


Similarly, Mars (Mangal) and Moon (Chandra) create an attraction towards hot and dairy-based products for individuals. Venus (Shukra) motivates them towards purchasing and consuming such items, as Venus is associated with luxury lifestyles, leading to a preference for expensive restaurants or branded items.


It is believed that if Jupiter (Brihaspati), Mars, Moon, and Venus are influential in the Kundli (natal chart), a person tends to be attracted to or fond of junk food.


When Saturn (Shani Grah) is well-placed, individuals consume more food made from coarse grains like millets. Such individuals are less attracted to junk food-like items.


Saturn is considered a highly disciplined planet. Its movement is extremely slow, indicating a methodical approach, which can sometimes make individuals appear lazy.

If a person is fond of junk food, they should check the position of Jupiter (Guru) in their Kundli (natal chart). If Jupiter is inauspicious, remedies should be considered. Jupiter is associated with stomach-related ailments in astrology. Here are some remedies for Jupiter:


  1. **Jupiter Mantra**: “Om Gram Greem Graum Sah Gurave Namah”
  2. Bathe with water mixed with a pinch of turmeric on Thursdays, and wear yellow clothes.
  3. Assist financially or otherwise support poor and economically weak students.
  4. Respect and honor teachers and mentors.
  5. Read good literature.
  6. Engage in studying new subjects.