Best Remedies for Different Days of the Week According to Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, each day of the week is governed by a specific planet, and these…

Bad Omens According to Astrology: Understanding Their Significance and Impacts

Astrology, the ancient science of interpreting celestial influences on human life, has always placed a strong…

Types of Marriage in Hinduism

Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest religions, has a rich tapestry of customs and traditions, especially…

Can Astrology predict future accidents

Astrology is an advanced and old system of knowledge that investigates the movements and relative positions…

Mars going to form Ruchak Panch Mahapuruh Yog from 1st June 2024. Effect on every ascedant. KM SINHA

वैदिक ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार मंगल ग्रह का राशि परिवर्तन 01 जून 2024 को दोपहर 03ः36…

70 Prediction for Uttar Pradesh Lok Sabha Election 2024 By Astrologer KM SINHA

    Astrologer KM Sinha has provided intriguing predictions for the Uttar Pradesh Lok Sabha Election…

31 Lok Sabha seats prediction of Maharashtra where NDA will win. By Astrologer KM SINHA

Astrologer KM Sinha has predicted that the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) will secure 31 Lok Sabha…
