How can one read, one’s own palm

Palmistry, also known as chiromancy or chirology, is the technique of analysing palm lines and features to learn about a person’s character, personality, and future. This ancient type of divination examines many components of the palm, including main lines such as the Life Line, Heart Line, and Head Line, which are thought to signify energy, emotional stability, and intelligence. Minor lines, such as the Fate Line, Sun Line, and Health Line, are also analysed for signs of fate, renown, and physical health. Furthermore, palmists examine the mounts, or elevated portions of the palm, which are related with several planets and attributes such as desires, inventiveness, interaction, and vision. 

The shape of the hand, which is classified into four elements: Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, provides additional information about personality traits and behavioural patterns. Palmistry, which has its roots in ancient Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian cultures, has evolved over ages and is still widely performed today by astrologers, mediums, and fans. Sceptics regard palmistry as pseudoscience, yet many others find it useful for self-discovery and personal improvement, employing it to acquire a better knowledge of their strengths, flaws, and probable life paths.

Reading one’s own palm chart, also known as a self-palmistry reading, is analysing and deciphering numerous aspects of your palm to obtain insight into your traits, individuality, and probable future. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial to get you started.

Let us learn step by step instructions by Astrologer K.M.Sinha to prepare your own palm chart

Neat Palms: Keep your hands clean and clear of distractions.

Good Lighting: Use bright, natural light or a lamp to see your palm’s lines and characteristics clearly.

Rest: Sit quietly and relax your hand to obtain a precise reading.

Select the hand:

Strong Hand: Typically indicates your current and future. Most individuals write with this hand.

Less dominant hand: Reflects your previous actions and inherited characteristics.

Major Lines

Life Line: Locate the line that arcs around the base of the thumb. Examine its length, depth, and potential breaks. A long, deep line denotes a strong energy, whereas breaks may imply major life conflicts.

Heart Line: Located near the top of the palm, beneath the fingers. A lengthy, continuous line indicates emotional stability and a robust love life. Breaks or forks might signify relationship changes.
The head line runs horizontally across the middle of the palm. A long, crisp line represents strong intellect, whereas a small or fragmented line may imply scattered ideas.

Minor Lines

Look for a vertical line that extends from the base of the palm to the fingertips. A broad Fate Line indicates a strong sense of purpose or destiny. The absence of this line may imply a more impulsive or creative life path.

Sun Line: This line, which runs parallel to the Fate Line, represents fame, exposure, or creativity. A clear line here indicates a chance for popular success.

Health Line: Often begins below the little finger and runs downward. The existence and condition may indicate health difficulties or concerns.


The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger and represents desire and power. An advanced mount indicates trust and aggressiveness.

Saturn’s Mount: Under the middle finger symbolises discipline and accountability. A prominent mount reflects a serious, diligent personality.

Mount of Apollo: Located below the ring finger, it is associated with creativity and an affection of beauty. A strong mount indicates a talent for the arts and a yearning for fame.

Mercury’s Mount: Under the little finger, representing connection and wit. A clear mount implies effective communication abilities.

Venus Mount is located near the base of the thumb and is associated with love and passion. A prominent mount indicates a loving, emotional personality.

Mount of Mars: Two locations, one beneath the Venus mount and the other opposite it, represent boldness and violence. Well-developed mounts reflect a brave and energetic nature.

Mount of the Moon: Near the wrist on the palm’s outer edge; associated with intuition and creativity. A prominent mount indicates excellent insight and innovation.

Hand shapes

Earth Hands are practical and grounded, with square palms and short fingers. You probably respect consistency and are diligent.

Air Hands have lengthy fingers and square or rectangular palms; they are smart and communicative. You are likely friendly and enjoy intellectual activities.

Water Hands: Long palms and fingers; sensitive and intuitive. You are probably empathic and emotionally perceptive.

Fire Hands have square or rectangular palms and short fingers, making them energetic and eager. You probably have a vibrant and adventurous attitude.

Suggestions for Self-Palmistry

Take notes: Record your findings and ideas as you examine various features of your palm.

Compare Hands: Examine your dominant and non-dominant hands to gain a thorough grasp of hereditary qualities against contemporary influences.

Regular practice will improve your ability to notice tiny details and make appropriate interpretations.

Examining the lines, mounts, and shape of your hands can reveal vital information about your own qualities, life experiences, and prospective future routes.