Jaya Ekadashi Vrat(24 February)

There is an Ekadashi festival which is held at 6:51:55 PM on February 24 th .
On Jaya Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu is worshipped with complete dedication. It is also one day when people a
give it products such as flowers, wine, vermillion, rice and other scented things. The festival associated
with Jaya Ekadashi is considered to be holy and has many nice fruits. Provided that the devotee fasts
and attends to it entirely on this day, it is assumed that he/she is shielded from all spiritual
manifestations for the year, such as spirits, vampires and so forth.
Celebrate an Ekadashi day with an auspicious puja.
This is a practice done by those who fast and pray while worshipping Lord Vishnu.
1. On the day before Jaya Ekadashi, people must fast on Satvik food (simple food), for example, onion,
hot grains cooked with dal, sweet milk, and vegetable dishes.
2. Take a resolution after bathing in the morning, and give a rock, a diya, a lovely fruit, a flower and a
sweet panchamrit to Lord Krishna.
3. Pray to Lord Vishnu during the audience during the night.
4. Feed a poor individual or brahmin on a twelfth day (dwadashi), and often do charity or for the
breaking of the fast.
Jaya Ekadashi Vrat in History.
There were felicitations occurring with Spirits, saints, and divine men in the court of Indra. The
Gandharvas were humming, the Gandharva girls were dancing. There was a guy called Malyawan who
was handsome besides being a really successful musician. There was a girl called Pushyawati among the
Gandharva girls. After meeting, both lost their pace, which led Indra to curse them that they would be
robbed of heaven and an existence in hell.

They all went to hell as a consequence of the spell. Living there was really unpleasant and awkward. On
Jaya Ekadashi, both ate fruits just once and that evening, felt remorse when praying to heaven. Both
died the following morning. They unknowingly went to an Ekadashi fast, expelled ghostly spirits, and
then entered heaven.


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