What do we understand by Dark matter in Universe?

One of the universe’s most fundamental and mysterious elements is dark matter. It is invisible to present telescopic studies since it does not emit, absorb, or reflect light; however, its presence is deduced from its gravitational effects on radiation, visible matter, and the large-scale structure of the universe. An overview of our current understanding of dark matter is provided below:

1. The Dark Matter Hypothesis
Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky originally put out the idea of dark matter in the 1930s. He saw that the Coma Cluster’s galaxies were moving far more quickly than the apparent mass alone could explain, suggesting the existence of hidden mass. Vera Rubin’s discovery in the 1970s that stars’ rotational velocities in galaxies stayed constant even when they were far from the galactic centerโ€”where there was nothing in the way of observable matterโ€”provided more evidence for this observation.

2. Effects of Gravitation
The most observable property of dark matter is its gravitational pull on visible matter. Because of their rapid rotation, galaxies are kept from flying apart by it acting as the glue that ties them together. The formation and long-term clustering of galaxies are influenced by dark matter.

3.The Cosmic Microwave Background
A glimpse of the early cosmos can be obtained by measurements of the CMB, the Big Bang’s afterglow. The Planck satellite’s data, along with other CMB data, show fluctuations that can be used to estimate the mass of dark matter. According to these measurements, dark matter accounts for roughly 27% of the total mass and energy in the universe.

4. Lensing via Gravitational Waves
Gravitational lensing is the mechanism by which light from far-off objects is bent by dark matter. Astronomers can map the distribution of dark matter by studying the distortion of light from background galaxies as it passes through massive foreground objects, an effect predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
5. Formation of Structures
Cosmic structures are formed and evolve in large part due to dark matter. According to computer models, dark matter provides the framework for the formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Since visible matter is insufficient to account for the known large-scale structure, the cosmos would appear very different in the absence of dark matter.

6. Potential Dark Matter Candidates
Protons, neutrons, and electronsโ€”the building blocks of regular baryonic matterโ€”do not make up dark matter. A number of theories have been put out to explain dark matter:
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, or WIMPs, are hypothetical particles that interact with gravity and the weak nuclear force. Though they haven’t been found yet, they are a strong threat.

Particles of ultralight that may also comprise dark matter are called axions. They are also a well investigated theoretical contender.
Massive Compact Halo Objects, or MACHOs: These include poorly luminous objects like as brown dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. They probably won’t be able to explain all dark matter, though.
Hypothetical heavier forms of known neutrinos that do not interact with the usual weak force are called sterile neutrinos.

7. Search and Identify
Direct detection of dark matter is one of the main objectives of contemporary physics. A number of techniques are being used:

Direct Detection: Dark matter particles interacting with regular matter through extremely uncommon collisions are the focus of experiments such as LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) and XENON1T. Searching for signs that could be created when dark matter particles decay or annihilate, such as gamma rays or neutrinos, is known as indirect detection.
Collider Experiments: By producing high-energy collisions that may yield dark matter particles, particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) search for these particles.

8. Conceptual Frameworks
A number of theoretical models attempt to integrate dark matter into the physics framework and explain its nature. Supersymmetry is a theoretical particle physics extension that predicts particles that may be dark matter candidates. Less commonly accepted ideas have been put up to explain dark matter occurrences without requiring the discovery of additional particles, such as alterations to gravity (like MOND).

9. Density of Dark Matter
The universe’s dark matter distribution is not constant. It surrounds galaxies and galaxy clusters in dense clumps and halos. These halos impact the forms and dynamics of galaxies, making them essential for their stability and creation. Gravitational interactions can be influenced by variations in the density of dark matter across different regions.

10. Hot vs. Cold Shadow Matter
The velocity of dark matter is used to categorise it:
Cold Dark Matter (CDM): Made up of clumps of slow-moving particles, CDM aids in the development of large-scale structures like galaxies. Since it more closely reflects observations of the structure of the universe, most contemporary models favour CDM.
Fast-moving particles that tend to smooth out anomalies in the early cosmos make up hot dark matter (HDM). Given their great velocities, neutrinos are a possibility for dark matter dark matter (HDM), but they cannot explain all dark matter.

11. Interactions of Dark Matter
Dark matter may interact with various forces in addition to gravity, which is its primary mode of interaction. Additional interactions are proposed by theoretical models:
Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM): This theory postulates that dark matter particles may interact with one another via a novel force, which may be able to explain some of the data observed in galaxies, including the core-cusp dilemma in galaxy centres.
Non-Interacting Dark Matter: The most basic models postulate that there is no interaction between dark matter and other forces other than gravity.

12. Difficulties and Abnormalities
Research on dark matter faces a number of abnormalities and difficulties, including:
Core-Cusp Problem: Dark matter densities in galaxy centres are found to be lower in reality than in models. SIDM models make an effort to reconcile this disparity.
The problem of missing satellites: More tiny satellite galaxies than observed are predicted by simulations to orbit the Milky Way. This disparity points to a possible vacuum in our knowledge of dark matter or galaxy formation mechanisms.

13. Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Dark energy accounts for around 68% of the mass-energy content of the cosmos, whereas dark matter makes up about 27%. The cosmos is expanding faster than ever thanks to dark energy, while dark matter uses gravity to bring stuff closer together. It is vital to comprehend how these two elements interact in cosmology.

14. Place in Universe Evolution
Throughout the universe’s development from the Big Bang to the present, dark matter has been essential. Its gravitational pull assisted in directing the early universe’s oscillations into the development of galaxies and other large-scale structures. The structure of the cosmos would be very different in the absence of dark matter.

15. The Structure of the Cosmic Web
The universe’s large-scale structure is like a cosmic web, where galaxies and clusters live as nodes and filaments formed by dark matter. Gravitational lensing and galaxy distribution observations trace this web structure, exposing the dark matter’s secret structure.

16. Astronomy of Gravitational Waves

LIGO and Virgo, two gravitational wave detectors, provide new insights into the nature of dark matter. Black hole and neutron star mergers shed light on the composition and dispersion of dark matter in harsh settings. As rivals for dark matter, future detectors may find evidence of primordial black holes or dark matter interactions.

17. Ancient Black Holes
An other possibility for dark matter is primordial black holes, which originated in the early cosmos. If they are real, they might explain a part of dark matter and have an impact on how cosmic structures grow and change over time. It would take creative observational techniques to find them.

18. Dark Energy in Small-Scale Galaxies
Due to their large dark matter composition in comparison to visible matter, dwarf galaxies make good dark matter labs. They are perfect for testing dark matter models and comprehending its distribution and behaviour in various contexts because of their straightforward architecture.

One of astronomy’ and cosmology’s most intriguing mysteries is still dark matter. Even if it is invisible, there are still many obstacles to overcome, but theoretical models, observational data, and cutting-edge technology all work together to improve our understanding. We are getting closer to understanding the true nature of dark matter as science advances, which might completely change our understanding of the universe and its basic elements. Every new finding expands our understanding and creates new opportunities for research and adventure on the cosmic frontier.