All about Kundali Gun Milan, कुंडली गुण मिलान के बारे में सब कुछ

In the rich tapestry of Indian culture, marriage is not just a union of two individuals but a coming together of families, communities, and even celestial energies. Rooted in ancient traditions, Indian marriages often involve the intricate practice of matchmaking, where the compatibility between prospective partners is assessed through various means. One such method, deeply ingrained in Indian astrology, is Gun Milan.

Let us know what is Guna Matching by Astrologer K.M.Sinha?

What is Gun Milan?

Gun Milan, also known as Kundli Milan or Horoscope Matching, is a traditional method of compatibility assessment used in Indian astrology to evaluate the harmony between two individuals destined for marriage. The term “Gun” refers to qualities or attributes, and “Milan” means matching or blending. Thus, Gun Milan essentially involves matching the attributes of the prospective bride and groom to determine their compatibility and the likelihood of a successful marriage.

Ashtakoot Milan

Varna (1 Point)

Varna is determined by the Moon sign, where the 4th (Cancer), 8th (Scorpio), and 12th (Pisces) signs are considered Brahmin or Priestly, the 1st (Aries), 5th (Leo), and 9th (Sagittarius) signs are Kshatriya or Warrior, the 2nd (Taurus), 6th (Virgo), and 10th (Capricorn) signs are Vaishya or Merchant, while the 3rd (Gemini), 7th (Libra), and 11th (Aquarius) signs are considered Shudra or Laborer.

Vashya (2 Points)

Vashya is related to the fundamental personality. There are five types of Vashya – Dwipad (Human), Chatushpad (Quadruped), Keet (Insect), Vanchar (Forest-dwelling), and Jalchar (Water-dwelling). Just as a forest-dwelling creature cannot survive in water, similarly, how can a water-dwelling creature live in the forest? Under Dwipadiya signs come Gemini, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius. Under Chatushpad, Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, under Jalchar, Cancer, Capricorn, and Pisces, under Keet, Scorpio, and under Vanchar, Leo.

Tara (3 Points)

Tara is related to the destiny of both the bride and groom. Starting from the birth Nakshatra, 27 Nakshatras are divided into 9 sections to create 9 Taras – Janma, Sampat, Vipat, Kshema, Pratyari, Vadha, Sadhak, Mitra, and Atimitra. When counting the stars from the groom’s Nakshatra to the bride’s Nakshatra and dividing the obtained number by 9, if the remainder is 3, 5, or 7, it is inauspicious, whereas in other situations, Tara is auspicious. Auspicious Tara grants 1-1/2 points each. The same calculation is done from the bride’s birth Nakshatra to the groom’s. Hence, counting the stars from both, if an auspicious Tara is obtained, 3 points are awarded. If one is auspicious and the other inauspicious, 1-1/2 points are given, and in any other scenario, no points are awarded.

Yoni (4 Points)

Just as a water-dwelling creature cannot relate to a forest-dwelling one, relationships are also evaluated. Based on various living beings, 13 yonis have been designated – Horse, Elephant, Sheep, Snake, Dog, Cat, Rat, Buffalo, Tiger, Deer, Monkey, Mongoose, and Lion. Each Nakshatra is assigned a yoni, determining a person’s mental level. It is due to the attraction towards the opposite gender’s yoni that opposites attract in marriage. Yoni matching is also necessary for bodily satisfaction. Yoni is determined based on the birth Nakshatra, with the description as follows: if the yonis are the same, 4 points are given, if they are friends, 3 points, if neutral, 2 points, if enemies, 1 point, and if they are extreme enemies, no points are awarded.

Graha Maitri (5 Points)

Graha Maitri is determined by the lords of the groom and bride’s signs. The sign’s association is related to a person’s nature. Mutual friendship and affection between the lords of the signs in the charts of boys and girls enhance life, making it happy and stress-free.

Gana (6 Points)

Gana reflects a person’s social status. There are three types of Ganas – Deva (Divine), Rakshasa (Demon), and Manushya (Human). All constellations are divided into three groups – Deva, Manushya, and Rakshasa. The Deva Gana includes Anuradha, Punarvasu, Mrigashira, Shravana, Revati, Swati, Hasta, Ashwini, and Pushya. The Manushya Gana includes Purvaphalguni, Purvashada, Purvabhadrapada, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapada, Rohini, Bharani, and Ardra. The Rakshasa Gana comprises Magha, Ashlesha, Dhanishta, Jyeshta, Mula, Shatabhisha, Vishakha, Krittika, and Chitra. Thus, if both the groom and bride belong to the same Gana, 6 points are awarded. If the groom is of Deva Gana and the bride of Manushya Gana, 6 points are still given. If the bride is of Deva Gana and the groom of Manushya Gana, 5 points are awarded. If the groom is of Rakshasa Gana and the bride of Deva Gana, 1 point is given, and in other situations, no points are awarded.

Koota (7 Points)

The relevance of Bhakoot is with life and longevity. After marriage, how much harmony will exist between the two is determined by Bhakoot. The physical relationship of the signs in both charts prolongs life and maintains mutual relations. Bhakoot is assessed based on the Moon signs of the groom and bride. If Aries and Pisces, Virgo and Scorpio, Sagittarius and Leo are matched, then zero points are given. If Libra and Libra, Cancer and Capricorn, Gemini and Aquarius are matched, then seven points are given. Similarly, seven points are awarded for matching signs.

Nadi (8 Points)

Nadi is related to progeny. How the birth will be determined by both their physical connections depends on Nadi. The flow of blood and energy in the body is of special importance. The alignment of energies of both is determined by Nadi. Based on the birth Nakshatra, there are three types of Nadis – Aadi, Madhya, and Antya. In this Koota Milan, there should not be one Nadi for the groom and bride. If they have different Nadis, then a full eight points are given, while in other situations (where both have the same Nadi), no points are awarded. Having the same zodiac but different Nakshatra or having different zodiacs but the same Nakshatra or different Charan is not considered a defect.

The Optimal Number of Gunas for Marriage

In a Kundali, when all factors are considered, there are a total of 36 gunas. The more gunas that match between the boy and the girl, the more successful the marriage is considered to be.

Less than 18: Not suitable for marriage or may result in an unsuccessful marriage.

18 to 25: Decent match for marriage.

25 to 32: Excellent match for marriage, resulting in a successful union.

32 to 36: This is an exceptional match, leading to a highly successful marriage.Top of Form



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