Utppana Ekadashi commends the triumph of lord Vishnu over an evil presence named ‘Murasura’.

Moreover as per the Hindu legends, the introduction of Ekadashi Mata occurred on Utpanna Ekadashi. In the northern territories of India this ekadashi is commended during the long stretch of ‘Margashirsh’, though in the provinces of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra, Utpanna Ekadashi falls during the period of ‘Kartik’.

Likewise in the Malayalam schedule, the month is ‘Vrischika Masam’ or ‘Thulam’ and in the Tamilian schedule it is seen during the ‘Karthigai Masam’ or ‘Aippasi’. The fundamental divinities of Utpanna Ekadashi are Lord Vishnu and Mata Ekadashi.


The significance of Utpanna Ekadashi is depicted in different Hindu sacred writings like the ‘Bhavishyottara Purana’ as discussion between Sri Krishna and King Yudhisthira. The meaning of Utpanna Ekadashi is same as making gifts on the propitious days like ‘Sankranti’ or cleaning up in Hindu journeys.

It is viewed as that the onlooker of Utapanna Ekadashi is freed from his/her wrongdoings lastly accomplishes moksha or salvation. They are taken directly to the dwelling place of Lord Vishnu, ‘Vaikunth’ in the afterlife. It is accepted that the greatness of the Utpanna Ekadashi is much more than giving 1000 cows in foundation.

The quick kept on Utpanna Ekadashi equivalents to fasting for the three primary gods of Hinduism, to be specific, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Henceforth Hindu aficionados notice the Utapanna Ekadashi vrat with full devotion and enthusiasm.


The quick on the Utpanna Ekadashi begins from the beginning of the ekadashi until the dawn of ‘dwadashi’. Certain individuals even beginning from vrat from the tenth day by eating only one ‘saatvik’ supper before nightfall. On Utapanna Ekadashi eating rice, all types of heartbeats and grains is denied for all.

The quick on the Utpanna Ekadashi begins from the beginning of the ekadashi until the dawn of ‘dwadashi’. Certain individuals even beginning from vrat from the tenth day by eating only one ‘saatvik’ dinner before dusk. On Utapanna Ekadashi eating rice, all types of heartbeats and grains is disallowed for all.

Upon the arrival of Utpanna Ekadashi, one should likewise offer gifts to the Brahmins, poor and penniless. The gifts can be as food, cash, garments or different fundamentals throughout everyday life, as indicated by one’s ability.




20 November 2022

Tithi: Ekadashi upto 10:38

Nakshatra: Hasta upto 24:26

Yoga: Priti upto 22:57

First Karana: Baalava upto 10:38

Second Karana: Kauvala upto 22:24

Day: Sunday



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