The Influence of Retrograde Venus on Beauty and Self-Worth

The Influence of Retrograde Venus on Beauty and Self-Worth

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, harmony, and relationships, plays a crucial role in shaping how we view aesthetics, personal value, and self-worth. When Venus goes retrograde, its energy shifts, causing us to reevaluate these aspects of our lives. Retrograde Venus is a time for reflection, realignment, and inner healing, especially concerning how we perceive beauty and self-love. This article dives into the profound influence of retrograde Venus on beauty, self-worth, and relationships, offering insight into how to navigate this transformative period.

What Does Venus Retrograde Mean?

In astrology, retrograde motion occurs when a planet appears to move backward in the sky from our perspective on Earth. This is not a literal reversal but rather an optical illusion. However, the retrograde period significantly affects the areas of life governed by that planet. For Venus, this includes love, relationships, aesthetics, creativity, and our sense of value—both internally and externally.

Venus retrograde happens approximately every 18 months and lasts for about 40-43 days. During this time, the usual flow of Venusian energy becomes introspective. Rather than focusing on external expressions of love, beauty, and worth, we are called to look inward, reassess our values, and confront unresolved issues related to self-worth and relationships.

Beauty During Venus Retrograde: Redefining Aesthetics

Venus retrograde is a period when our perception of beauty changes. What we usually find attractive may suddenly feel unappealing, and we are urged to question the standards of beauty we’ve accepted for ourselves and others.

  • Avoid Drastic Changes to Appearance: Venus retrograde is not the best time to experiment with major beauty transformations like cosmetic surgery, bold haircuts, or drastic changes in personal style. Since the energy is introspective, these changes may not align with your true sense of self, and after the retrograde period ends, you might regret the decisions made during this time.
  • Reflection on Beauty Standards: This period encourages deep reflection on societal beauty standards. Are you living up to external expectations, or are you embracing your unique beauty? Venus retrograde pushes us to break free from superficial standards and redefine beauty on our terms.
  • Inner Beauty and Self-Acceptance: During Venus retrograde, there is a heightened focus on inner beauty. This is a time to nurture self-acceptance and inner harmony. Instead of seeking validation from external sources, you are encouraged to look within and appreciate your natural, authentic self.

Venus Retrograde and Self-Worth: Healing the Inner Critic

Self-worth is one of the key areas impacted by Venus retrograde. This planet governs how we value ourselves, not just in relationships but in all areas of life, including career, creativity, and personal aspirations.

  • Reevaluating Relationships: During Venus retrograde, unresolved relationship issues often resurface, particularly those related to self-worth. This is a time when we are forced to confront how much value we place on ourselves in the context of relationships. Do you feel deserving of love and affection, or are you settling for less than you deserve? Venus retrograde pushes us to reassess our standards and boundaries, encouraging self-respect and self-love.
  • Healing Past Hurts: Venus retrograde also brings opportunities for healing past emotional wounds. If you have experienced rejection, betrayal, or self-worth issues in relationships, this is a time to work through these experiences. The retrograde period asks you to release toxic patterns and reclaim your sense of worth.
  • The Power of Self-Love: Self-love is the central theme during Venus retrograde. This planetary cycle asks us to stop seeking validation from others and start nurturing our relationship with ourselves. Engaging in self-care, affirmations, and activities that foster inner peace can significantly boost self-worth during this time.

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Financial Worth: Reassessing Value

Venus also governs finances and material wealth, which are directly connected to our sense of value. When Venus goes retrograde, it’s common to reassess financial matters and how we view our material possessions.

  • Reconsidering Spending Habits: Venus retrograde is not an ideal time for making major financial investments or luxury purchases. You may later realize that what you thought was a good investment during the retrograde no longer holds the same value afterward. Instead, use this period to evaluate your spending habits and reflect on what truly brings you lasting joy and satisfaction.
  • Understanding Financial Self-Worth: Just as we reconsider our personal self-worth, Venus retrograde pushes us to reassess our financial self-worth. Are you undercharging for your work or accepting less than you deserve? This period highlights areas where we undervalue ourselves, allowing us to make necessary adjustments in how we manage money and resources.

Relationships During Venus Retrograde: Testing Connections

Venus retrograde often puts relationships under the microscope. Whether romantic, familial, or professional, this is a period of reevaluation and sometimes redefinition. The lessons learned during Venus retrograde can lead to stronger, more authentic connections or reveal the need to let go of unhealthy relationships.

  • Exes and Old Friends Resurface: Venus retrograde is famous for bringing ex-lovers or past relationships back into our lives. While this can feel like a second chance, it’s crucial to approach these reconnections with caution. The retrograde often brings past relationships to the surface not for rekindling, but for closure. Use this time to address unresolved emotions and let go of relationships that no longer serve your highest good.
  • Reevaluating Relationship Dynamics: Existing relationships also come under review during Venus retrograde. Issues that were previously brushed aside may come to the forefront, forcing you to address them. This is an ideal time to reflect on how much you value your relationships and whether they align with your evolving sense of self-worth.
  • Focus on Self-Love: While relationships may face challenges during this period, Venus retrograde ultimately encourages you to focus on your relationship with yourself. Strengthening self-love and setting boundaries are key themes. By prioritizing your own needs, you can build healthier and more fulfilling relationships when the retrograde period ends.

The Silver Lining: Transformation and Growth

Although Venus retrograde can feel challenging, it is ultimately a period of transformation and growth. It gives us the opportunity to reassess our values, beauty standards, and relationships, helping us align more authentically with our true selves.

  • Personal Transformation: By the end of the retrograde, you may experience a profound shift in how you view beauty and self-worth. You’ll likely emerge with a deeper understanding of your values, increased self-confidence, and a more authentic sense of self-love.
  • A Refined Sense of Beauty: Venus retrograde encourages you to let go of superficial ideas of beauty and embrace what truly makes you feel beautiful and confident. This inner transformation radiates outward, attracting genuine connections and experiences that align with your newly refined values.

How to Navigate Venus Retrograde: Practical Tips

  1. Practice Self-Care: Focus on activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Engage in relaxation techniques, meditation, and self-love rituals to build a strong sense of inner beauty and worth.
  2. Avoid Major Beauty Changes: Resist the urge to make drastic changes to your appearance, as your preferences may shift once Venus goes direct. Instead, focus on subtle enhancements and routines that promote self-acceptance.
  3. Reassess Relationships: Use this time to evaluate the health and balance of your relationships. Communicate openly with loved ones and set boundaries that protect your self-worth.
  4. Reflect on Finances: Avoid big financial decisions or splurging on luxury items. Instead, reflect on your financial goals and assess how you can better manage your resources.
  5. Journal Your Feelings: Venus retrograde stirs deep emotions, particularly regarding love and self-worth. Journaling can help you process these feelings and gain clarity on what needs to change in your life.


According to our astrologer Mr K.M Sinha, Venus retrograde is a powerful time for inner reflection and transformation. It encourages us to redefine beauty from the inside out, reassess our self-worth, and evaluate our relationships with honesty and care. By embracing the lessons of this planetary cycle, you can emerge from Venus retrograde with a deeper sense of self-love, stronger values, and a refined understanding of beauty that transcends the superficial.