
A Kundali or Birth Horoscope is an Astrological Chart, created on the basis of the exact birth date, time and place of an individual. When we call this Chart a Kundali, we are essentially referring to a Personal Horoscope, created using the Vedic Astrology System. This Chart denotes the positions of the various planets, including the Sun, Moon, astrological aspects and significant angles, at the time of one's birth. A Kundali is often prepared by a proficient astrologer to gain insights into an individuals personality, potential, past, present and future. Other commonly used terms for Kundali are Janam Kundli, Janampatri, Natal Chart, Birth Horoscope, Birth Chart etc.

An astrologer determines the local mean time at the place of birth, in order to calculate the Ascendant or the rising Sign of the native. Thereafter, the Kundali is divided into 12 Houses. The first House starts with the Ascendant, and all the other Houses are numbered in an anti-clockwise direction. The position of these Houses always remain fixed in a persons Kundali. Whereas, the various Signs and planets move through the twelve Houses for specific periods this is best understood and analysed by astrologers trained and educated in Astrology. Besides, all the planets move through the different Signs, over the course of days, weeks, months or years in a persons life-span. Each House in a Kundali represents a certain aspect, relationship or area of the life, and the planets placement in these Houses is indicative of various events, happenings and possibilities. Thus, using and interpreting this information, by applying the time tested principles and research of Vedic Astrology, Astrologers can provide predictions for an individual, as per planetary positions and planetary movements in his/her Kundali.